Friday, March 11, 2011

11 basic needs in any relationship

I know that the things you'll get here might have taken your attention before. My point is those needs are not granted. And "Give what you most wish to receive". So if you want to be loved, first step is being lovable.

1. Be lovable
2. Be loving
3. Smile
4. Tell them how much you love them
5. Don't try to find faults in them. Try to find more virtues.
6. Let them dream, and help them make it real.
7. Respect
8. Trust
9. Be helpful
10. Go for a short trip with them. Tell them what you like in them. Tell them what inspires you.
11. Meet regularly.

Easy! Isn't it? Then do it.

"All mankind is divided into three classes: those that are immovable, those that are movable, and those that move."- Benjamin Franklin


  1. its definately not easy... point no. 4,5,6,10 and 11...took my toll on my relationship...

  2. You're right Chandu. Thanks for writing here and sharing your view with my friends and visitors

  3. why dont u make a note and put this on fb itself??/ easier to comment... everybody will see... make a note...

  4. Amazing suggestion Chandu... I'll surely do that.. In fact I am going to put this article there just now. thanks again
